Frequently Asked Questions

What is school-based Occupational Therapy? How about fine motor, visual motor or sensory motor skills?

School-based Occupational Therapy (OT) is a service provided in the educational setting to support students who demonstrate challenges that impact their independence in school-related activities. The primary goal is to help students best succeed in completing fine motor skills (manipulating small objects, hands/finger strengthening, handwriting), visual motor skills (puzzles, cutting shapes), self-help skills (buttoning & shoe tying), and sensory processing skills (managing sensitivities to noise, light, and textures) in the classroom.

Is SkillSprouts OT an Occupational Therapy service?

SkillSprouts OT was created as a supplemental collection of resources (activities/strategies/products) for the home setting, inspired by years of feedback from parents and caregivers. This is not intended to be a direct Occupational Therapy service. To learn more about Occupational Therapy services, please consult your student's school or pediatrician.

Who is SkillSprouts OT Activity Box for?

SkillSprouts OT Activity Box can be an integral supplement to any student's curriculum!

  • Children with Disabilities – Providing tailored activities that support diverse developmental needs
  • Homeschooling Families – Integrating therapeutic strategies into learning routines. A wonderful addition to a homeschool co-op to build social interaction skills.
  • Pre-K - Getting their little figures ready for kindergarten.
  • Occupational Therapists – Delivering engaging, ready-made resources for therapy sessions.
  • Educators – Enhancing classroom instruction with theme-based, hands-on learning materials.
  • Children receiving outpatient therapy services– Offering additional enrichment activities to maximize progress at home, between sessions.
  • After-School Programs – Supporting motor, sensory, and handwriting development in engaging ways.  
  • Fun summer activities to keep your little sprouts busy all summer long.

What is the suggested age group for SkillSprouts OT Activity Box?

The launch of SkillSprouts OT Activity Box was designed for students ages 4-7 or Pre-K to 2nd grade. We have plans to expand to younger and older students in the future. Please stay tuned for updates!

Can you tell me more about what we can expect for future months?

Please follow us on Facebook and check out our blog for updates.

Do I need to provide my own materials for any of the activities?

SkillSprouts OT Activity Box contains all the needed materials and tools to complete the monthly activities.

Think outside the box, spruce up your activities with crayons, markers and glue from home.

Is adult supervision necessary?

While all activities can be completed by your student in the suggested age range, we strongly encourage adult supervision to guide them through the instructions. In addition, there are small pieces in your Activity Box that may present a choking hazard.

I have multiple students in my household who would benefit from SkillSprouts OT Activity Box, are multiple boxes necessary?

We recommend one box/plan per student.

I have a question or concern regarding my SkillSprouts OT Activity Box.

We strive to have our Sprout Families 100% satisfied with their purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or use the messaging button below. We will respond as quickly as we can.

Questions? Comments? We'd Love to Hear From You!